Friday, March 8, 2013


          The McClurkins              August 2012


Dear Faithful Partner,
God has proven Himself strong and faithful to us for these three years we have been on the field of Mali and Senegal, West Africa.  We have lived and worked in areas which are 95% or more non-Christian and served in ministry as the LORD has led us.  We have made friends and cultivated many relationships.  We have learned two languages, preached the Gospel story, distributed thousands of Bibles, contributed funds for school fees and building funds, taught and mentored young people of various ages in two countries and shared the hope we have in our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ with those who have asked.  AND, you have been a part of it all as you partnered with us!  THANK YOU for allowing the LORD to use you in such an awesome way!!!  We have settled our business in Senegal and closed up the house we were renting.  We sold our furnishings and said our farewells to some of our friends and our Senegalese families with tearful hugs and kisses.  We have also left the ministry work we began in the capable hands of our national fellow laborers.  God has given us safe travels back to the States where we will continue to work as we teach, update and inform our partners and supporting churches during our “Home Assignment.”  As stated in our last prayer letter, please let us know when we can fellowship with you and share our mission experience. 

English Club Closing Program @ Ngaparou/Somone Middle      School (College)                                                                                                                                                       

We enjoyed mentoring the young people at Ngaparou/Somone College (French for middle school); they were delightful to work with.  It was love at first sight when we met Mr. Frank’s English club.  Frank, our Wolof language teacher asked us if we would help mentor the English club which is made up of students who are passionate about learning English.  As you may have read in our past prayer letters, we taught the students Black Gospel music and introduced them to poems of African American poets.  While the students were faithfully attending English club, the teachers went on strike protesting for better wages.  So, the English club was suspended until further notice. The strike went on for months and we prayed for the teachers who needed better wages and for the students who were falling behind in their studies.  The strike lasted nearly three months and the threat of discounting the school year hovered over the students. 
Finally the strike ended, the teachers went back to work (although some taught in spite of the strike) and the English club resumed.  We were all glad to be back, but we wondered if the students remembered all they had learned in the English club or would we have to start over again.  We prayed and we all worked very hard to teach, mentor and prepare the students for their closing celebration.  This was a time for families, friends and the community to come together to witness the accomplishments of these hard working individuals and was a huge encouragement for the students.  The teachers who participated were great and the club shined.  It was a testimony that God hears and answers our prayers!  We shared the Word of God and the Love of Jesus in songs and testimonies with these young people.  God opened the doors to relationships with their parents and the community.  We stood in awe of the LORD watching these young people bloom as the school year came to a close and as our time in Senegal was ending. 

At the end of the evening Mr. Frank told the students we were going back to America.  Some laughed (what Senegalese do when they are embarrassed or emotional) and some hugged us and cried.  We are so Godly proud of them! Please continue to pray that the gospel messages, testimonies and prayers they heard during our time with them will impact their lives.  We know that the Word of God does not return void, but it accomplishes everything it is sent out to do!

We’ve Only Just Begun!
In reflection, our 3 years in West Africa has wet our appetite for trusting God in ministry.  We have only just begun!  Our time in Mali and Senegal was crucial in building relationships and it tested our endurance and faith in God’s promises.  We are BLESSED to have the opportunity to take part in God’s divine nature as we yield to the work He is doing through us.  We know full well that it is all God!  We have gained more friends and extended family in both Mali and Senegal through God’s Grace as we point them to HIM.  Meet Catherine Debra Dogue!  This precious little girl was born to our Senegalese family, Francois and Adama Dogue, June 10, 2012.  In a traditional Senegalese naming ceremony we were surprised that they had named their little girl after me.  This is a special honor in their culture and it means that the family holds you in high esteem.  I was shocked and humbled by this act of love and respect.  This was another conformation that we are in the will of God as we return to the States.  Thank you LORD and thank YOU, our faithful partners and fellow laborers. 

Pete and Debra-


We are also asking you to let us know when it would be a good time to come visit your church.  If you would plan to schedule a time for our visit we can create our Home Assignment Calendar.  This would be a great help to us in making travel plans and we could also send the calendar to you, our friends and partners who would like to know where we are and what we are doing.  We will be available for church visitations, mission conferences, seminars, information sharing and other engagements after September 30, 2012.  Please feel free to contact us:                                      
                                                               Pete and Debra McClurkin
1702 Christian Street
Philadelphia, PA  19146
Phone: 215-790-9469

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