Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Praise and Prayer Requests
We praise God for our health and stamina as we serve here in Senegal, for our friends, the doors of outreach that are open, God's continual provision and we praise God for you who are partnering with us in the ministry of Christ. Please continue to pray for our children and their families, the new disciples of Christ, ministry to Ngaparou school, continued peace in Senegal as they near elections and for missionaries all over the world

Dear Faithful Friend and Partner

Praise to the True and Living God! God continues to show Himself strong and faithful here in Senegal.  When we arrived in Senegal June 2010, we had hope and expectations of how we would serve in ministry.  We knew that our daily lives would be a testimony to those around us of God’s love and grace, but we were not sure exactly how it would play out.  God is doing more than we had imagined.  We are using our new language skills to talk to our neighbors and friends.  There are very few people in this area who speak English and others who do not speak French.  So, our language lessons are valuable to us.  We are able to speak to our friends about the God we serve in their heart language (Wolof) and when we need to, we speak French as well, which is most of the time. However, our language teacher, Mr. Frank has assured us that we will be preaching in Wolof!  He is a visionaryJ.  Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support and may the LORD continue to use you in His service.

Tea Time!

A young man in the village makes tea for us
Usually, when tea time or a tea party is mentioned in America, we think of ladies dressed up, gathering together to discuss social events.  However, here in Senegal it is a practice among the men of the village to gather around a pot of strong, hot, sweet tea (ataaya) to discuss important matters.  Making the tea is a custom handed down through generations and it is amazing to watch.  This “tea time” is all about socializing as are the meals. 
Commonly, people here get together to talk about the things that are important to them; laughing together and learning new things; whether it be around a “common bowl" of “ceeb au jin” (a Senegalese rice and fish dish) or to take "ataaya" (tea party).  God is using this setting to share the word of God with our Muslim friends.  Pete and Pastor Saliou sit with a group of men every Monday evening and have a “Tè Debat” (French for Tea Debate/Discussion).  Through this systematic discussion, the men read through the Old Testament, reason together and come to understand God’s plan for a Savior.  The men in this area were excited to hear about this “tea time” with anticipation!    
We are working on a few projects here as we share the love of God and help those who are in need here in Ngaparou, Senegal. We have inquired about students who are in need of financial assistance in order to attend school. Our Wolof Language teacher, Mr. Francois Dogue, is the English teacher at the middle school of Ngaparou/Somone here in our area and introduced us to it through his English Club. It is a public school and teachers are paid by the government. The school began with 100 students in 2003 as a dream of Mr. Mamadou Coly (Head Master) to make education accessible to children in remote areas.  It is situated between the two villages and is accessible to more than 800 children.

(Left to right) Mr. Francois Dogue, Mr. Mamadou Coly, Debra and Pete McClurkin
However, some of these children and their families are poor and cannot afford to send their children to school. This means that some of the boys may become talibe or street beggars and the young girls may prostitute themselves to tourist that frequent the area. This is something that we see every day and it is heartbreaking to see how young these children are who fall into this category. With an education, these young people will gain the confidence and skills to go further in life, provide for themselves and help their families. When we talk to the young people, some of them have dreams while others don't know what to dream. Through your prayers and your desire to sponsor children in school, you could help break this cycle of poverty and illiteracy as well as the sin cycle that poverty fosters. Pete and I believe that through education, this generation will be able to read and find out the truth about God and His Word.  They will not be lead astray to serve other gods and be destroyed because of a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6 NIV).  Please pray for this school and this ministry to the children of Ngaparou. We will be sending more information about this ministry and how you can participate. Also, feel free to contact us via email or call the Magic Jack number (215-559-5994).

NEWS FROM HOME!!        

Co-Pastors Daniel and LaChish Latimer have given birth to a beautiful baby boy!  That’s right, we have another grandson!  Master Judah Agape Latimer was born October 12, 2011 at 5:43pm (EDT) weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces and 20 inches long.  We are excited for them as they embark on a new adventure in their union.  Please continue to pray for them and their church (The King’s Church) as they serve in Augusta, Georgia.
Many Blessings,
Pete and Debra

We would love to hear from you!
Contact US:
Pete and Debra McClurkin
Phone: 215-559-5994 (using our Magic Jack there is no international charge for callers)
Mailing Address:
B.P. 1229          
23022 Thies

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